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Sustainability, Banked.

ESG Data Consolidation ≫

Utility Management ≫

Sustainability Strategy ≫

Syntiro ≫

We empower Chief Sustainability Officers with actionable insights to reduce GHG emissions.

We do for our clients what we do for ourselves. 

We have invested more than $80m into embedded energy and monitoring systems that we own and operate. On a 24/7/365 basis, we manage, and report on, millions of data points to multiple internal and external stakeholders. 

    EP’s sustainability platform empowers users to:

    • Gain Insight
    • Exert Control
    • Drive Accountability

    It’s a crowded solution market. Work with a team that has seen it all.

    • Manage ~20,000+ data points to produce 1 integrated ESG report.
    • Ensure accurate ESG metrics.
    • Provide audit-ready data.
    • Conform to ever-growing compliance with principles, frameworks and standards.
    • Show year-on-year progress.
    • Satisfy competing agendas.
    • Fight software implementation fatigue.
    • Succeed with low budgets.


    Syntiro™ simplifies complex processes and consolidate data from various sources, whether measured or manually collected.

    Supply chain data collection enables a holistic view of sustainability performance across your value chain.

    Customisable dashboards match your unique operations, functionality, and branding. All of this made accessible via web browsers, phone apps, and MS Teams channels.


    Utility Management not only forms the foundation of any Sustainability strategy, our experience is that effective Utility Management yields exponential financial returns.

    Syntiro™ enables corporate utility management through, amongst others, meter monitoring, the application of data benchmarking and AI. In other words, it ensures for correct billing on both a consumption and utility rate dimension for electricity and water. (And gas, diesel and any others.) Across potentially hundreds of sites, multiple jurisdictions and multiple tariff structures.

    Behind Syntiro™ our specialised team deal directly with utility providers to ensure that you only pay (at the correct rate) for what you consume. Since 2010 we have solved [xxx] billing queries and managed to obtain refunds that now exceed [xxx].


    Failure to plan, is planning to fail. But a good plan executed violently now is better than a perfect plan executed next week.

    Work with a team that has garnered global recognition, with some of the biggest corporates in Africa. With more than $80m invested in energy assets that run on hundreds of client sites, we do for our clients what we do for ourselves.